tim hodgkinson

Conducting Parautika December 2019 with Jill Valentine,
Vincent Royer,
Lori Freedman,
Yoni Silver,
Jason Alder.
Pic by Livia B. Garcia.

I am a composer and also an improviser specialising in clarinets and lap steel guitar. After studying anthropology I taught myself music by being in bands. When I compose I write for sounds and then for instruments. I try to make something that is adequately eventful for our crazy time. I think I am writing for our time and the listeners who must authentically inhabit it. Real music happens when ideas are outrun by events.

to contact me, email: timpragma@gmail.com
to hear music, visit: https://timhodgkinson.bandcamp.com/

With the Hyperion Ensemble, Auditorium St Germain, Paris 20/11/06. Photo Michael Karman, asymmetry music magazine